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The Wellness Institute's Blog

Don't Let Food Sensitivity Slow You Down

A growing number of people suffer from food sensitivities - by some estimates, more than one in five people experience uncomfortable symptoms after eating certain foods. Yet, despite their prevalence, many of us don’t realize we have a food sensitivity. Instead, we assume the common symptoms, like bloating, fatigue and “brain fog,” are just normal […]

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Should You Be Avoiding Dairy? What the Science Says

Did you drink milk with lunch as a child? For decades, milk was considered an essential part of a healthy diet. Depending on where you grew up, you may have been encouraged to drink a glass of milk with each meal. But milk has fallen out of favour with many health professionals in recent years. […]

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Wellness Institute
954 Royal York Rd
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2E5
Clinic Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM
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